NSW Properties are pleased to announce that we have several exciting apprenticeship opportunities available. Click below to find out more.
Have you ever considered the apprenticeship route in to employment? Apprenticeships offer many distinct advantages such as:
- Apprenticeships are structured training programmes which give you a chance to work (literally) towards a qualification. They help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen industry.
- Getting into employment earlier means there’s lots of potential for you to progress in your career quickly. You can also begin to earn a good salary much earlier on in your life.
- Apprenticeships give you fantastic experience in the working world and demonstrate that you can ‘hit the ground running’. Hands-on training gives you a real chance to put your skills into practice and helps you to gain more confidence in a working environment.
- You earn while you learn. That’s right! No student loans, no tuition fees, and, hopefully, no debt. You’ll be paid a salary by your employer, and the government tends to cover the cost of the training for most young people.
- Apprenticeships offer a varied learning experience. You won’t have to spend all of your days studying; most of the time you’ll be working at a company.
- It’s all about learning while doing, and learning from others in your industry. You can even gain higher qualifications through apprenticeships, such as HNCs, HNDs, foundation degrees or honours degrees.
To be considered for one of several, exciting apprenticeship opportunities forward your CV & covering letter to neil@nswproperties.co.uk